A r c h   R o c k   C o t t a g e


Dalhousie, New Brunswick, site of the Arch Rock Cottage, is located on New Brunswick's north shore on the Bay de Chaleur. The main highway access is via provincial route 11.

To get to Dalhousie: From route 11 take exit 391A (Darlington Street, route 275). Drive north approximately 1 km where Renfrew Street, route 134 merges on the right. Continue north approximately another 2 km, down the hill and turn left to the village center along William Street.

To get to the Arch Rock Cottage: From route 11 take exit 391A (Darlington Street, route 275). Drive north towards Dalhousie, past the intersection with Renfrew St. route 134, until you get to the first traffic light just before an Irving gas station on the right. This is about 3 km from route 11. Turn right onto Goderich Street and drive east about 1 km then turn right onto Bonamy Lane. Go about 200 meters to where the lane ends at the ocean. The Arch Rock Cottage is on your left.

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Online Map of Dalhousie, NB and the Arch Rock Cottage

Online Directions and Mileage from your location to The Arch Rock Cottage

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Dalhousie, NB
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New Brunswick's North Shore
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Dalhousie is about 25 km east of Campbellton, NB and about 80 km north west of Bathurst, NB.

Take the Van Horne bridge in Campbellton to get to Quebec and the Gaspé Peninsula.

The best route from the U.S. is north on interstate 95 then cross the border at Houlton or Van Buren.

From western New Brunswick, transit over to the North Shore via route 17 out of St. Leonard.

Visitors from Quebec may approach Dalhousie via route 132 from Mont-Joli.

Visitors from the Maritimes can get to Dalhousie via route 11 through Bathurst.

See the Tips page about the Dalhousie name.

See the Links page for more information.